Today I wondered WHY I had waited so long to get a dog...but then (and this shows how utterly smitten I am) I realized that Stuart has only been alive since November 23rd, so THAT's the reason. It was strange to think that in September, when my parents were here for a visit, Stuart was probably in utero! Yeah, I'm a little mental about this dog.
He's relaxed a lot in the last few days: we play with the squeaky frog, toss the tennis ball, hang out in the backyard -- it's great. He's so incredibly sweet natured. And as you can see, he likes to supervise the neighbours, just like me!
And I knew that people liked dogs (lord knows I do), but I didn't really many people stop to tell me how beautiful he is, or want to pat him, or ask about his breed.
Okay, enough dogblogging. Let's at least refer to knitting.
Here's Stuart, checking out my behind- schedule Sock-pal sox. Well, "sock" singular. I re-knit the heel on Sock 1, and it's better on one side, but just as holey on the other side. I think I'm going to cheat and do a little sewing to fix it. This one ought to be finished in the next day or two, and then I'll motor through the second one. They're really satisfying...I hope my Pal likes them. She's had a bit of a stressful time lately -- it's odd to check her blog and not comment. But soon enough!
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