In other news, I returned the 13 skeins of lamb's pride bulky that was scheduled to become Teva Durham's cabled riding jacket. The v-neck corrugated asymmetrical pullover taught me that this yarn -- while lovely -- sheds too much and wouldn't show the cables to the degree I would want. Hmph. Anywho, I now have a whopping credit at Romni, even after I bought some proper sock needles. Tomorrow, post-work and pre-houseguests, I'll get going on the sox.
Tonight I went out for a drink with my thesis supervisor, who wants me to come in on April 19 and talk to his class about Things You Can Do with a Ph.D. (other than being a professor) and we had a fine time catching up and swapping gossip. He was all cut up that I'd been cruelly dumped in January, but I explained that I was over it 99.9 percent and besides was now a media darling. He may or may not have bought it, but it's 99.9 percent the truth. Then I raced around the corner for dinner with my lovely friend Sarah, who has had one hell of a few months but is now back on track with her boyfriend and has adopted a dog -- a GoldenDoodle called Finn...which was one of the names that my parents considered for Riley, Ace of Dogs. Though now he's SUCH a Riley. She (Sarah) is doing extremely well and wants me to do A Reading at her wedding, date/place/time TBA.
I'm finished the body of a small pink cotton cardi for my friend Ilana's new baby, Thea -- this weekend, I need to make sleeves and a hood and put it all together.
And so to bed.
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