Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Don't Buy Cheap Tools.

Small setback on the sox for my pal. I bought a couple sets of Pony Pearl sock needles (pins, more like) and they are Craposaurus Rex. I cast on that nice Koigu the other night and made it through 1.5 rounds before giving up, with a lot of hmmphing. The needles are all bendy and have weird blunt tips and seem too short. Miserable little things.

My Dad carries a small notebook EVERYWHERE with him (and therefore must have pockets in all his shirts, including T-shirts) -- very handy, that notebook, for lists and websites and important numbers and getting rid of one's gum -- and when he and Mum were here in September on a Renovate-Erin's-Apartment working holiday, he showed me the inside cover of his current notebook, where he'd written: Don't buy cheap tools. I nodded and agreed but then when I get in front of a wall of knitting needles my ingrained cheapness shouts What? Fifteen bucks for one set of sticks? And I choose the six dollar beauties, which are now expensive skewers for BLTs. And I never make or eat those.

Instead, I cast on for a new lace project. I've joined the Mountain Lace Knitalong and am making Mim's Mountain Peaks Shawl out of Alchemy "Haiku" (40 silk/60 mohair) in "Forest Waltz." It's a little bit vareigated -- greens and browns -- but I think the lace will show up well. I'd show you, but Blogger is being pettish about accepting pictures.

So. Laceweight. Pretty skinny stuff, you know. And speaking of tools, my darling Denise interchangeables aren't going to cut it with this stuff (though they're not cheap tools and I adore them for almost everything else). I leapt onto the InterWeb and ordered two new circs that should have very very pointy ends (according to a discussion Wendy had during her Summer of Lace).

The net net is that I have heaps of yarn and none of the right sticks! Must get back to work to pay for all the ones that will be coming in the mail.


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